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roomRoomy主營時尚實用之傢具及家居醫療產品,我們擁有超過10年豐富的傢具產品經驗,開發蝸居時尚新潮流,家居儲存及摺疊功能多變的儲物架、晾衣架及多用途電腦桌等等.以針對小戶型環境而設計,收納實用,時尚生活及崇尚健康生活理念兼備,為您創造更寬敞、更整潔的生活空--間豐富生活--- Enrich your life

roomRoomy is a brand specialized in supplying fashionable furniture and household products. With over 10 years experience, we have developed different trendy products for storage, foldable and multi-function racks and computer desks, hanger for clothing etc. It is ideal to suit for limited living room space. With the concept of both practical and trendy features, our products are creatively  designed to tidy up and maximize your room space. We make your life fruitful and comfortable.